I like it, the only thing I didnt like it was the little branches combination at the trees because it was completedly random, there was a lot of possible combinations, and not a clue of was could have been the right one just that;)
I like it, the only thing I didnt like it was the little branches combination at the trees because it was completedly random, there was a lot of possible combinations, and not a clue of was could have been the right one just that;)
Fast and Fun!
Ok bad first:
"...the health bar for the Stone Golem is RIGHT ontop of its eyes which makes it seem out of place" is true and I don´t like it, it´s annoying:P
everything else it´s fine to me. Keep up the good Work!;)
Pretty Good!
It´s really fun:) but it´s got some bugs, in stage 5 I get stuck in the happy face room: http://img207.imagevenue.com/img.php?
image=220948832_Sinttulo_122_472lo.jp g
In room 8 I appeared in a room with water and 3 little cubes to reach the exit (is on the upper-left corner ) I lost and the second time I exit normally.
I didn´t play K.O.L.M. so I can´t compare but I like this one for sure. Good Work:D
Fly baby Fly!
I like it, it has the simplicity of the big ones and it´s pretty addictive, you know when you die and need to try it over and over again:) To tell you the true for me it would have been nice a timer on the top too. Lost 2 points for the repetitive music sorry.
Improving my art skills day by day :3
Joined on 8/1/10